How NCLB Has Ruined Classroom Management

Many people blame No Child Left Behind for lots problems and lots others think that it is the most impressive thing to happen to public schools, as it brings them a bar at which they are to attempt to reach. anyhow, an issue that is never broached in the educational rhetoric of politicians is classroom management. How could NCLB, a program created to encourage equality in teaching and high triumph, cause troubles for teachers trying to deal with unruly students? The answer could not be definitely clear to the outside observer, but it has become markedly apparent in the typical public school setting. The illusion that teachers actually have authority through their students has been debunked. Students comprehend that they have the power in a classroom setting and teachers that try to battle this only end up disillusioned and caught in a vicious cycle of issuing detentions, calling parents, issuing more detentions, and complaining to administration, who is also really powerless https...